Practical Production and Evaluation
Candidates are required to undertake a practical production which addresses all four key concepts, from conception to realisation, together with an evaluation of 700-800 words. They will choose one of the following production tasks from Assignment Bank 3. These will be updated periodically.
Candidates may work individually or in small groups (as defined within the task description). If the candidate is working as a member of a group, their individual contribution must be clearly identified as indicated below. Each candidate must submit their own individual evidence of research and planning and their own evaluation.
For all of these productions the aim should be to strike a balance between creativity and the application of appropriate codes and conventions and media language. Original material should be used wherever possible. If found material is used it must be manipulated in a suitable fashion such that the candidate’s own creativity is evident. For radio production it is important that candidates adhere to the ‘talk-based’ brief, but if ‘songs’ are to be included they should be faded in and out almost immediately in order to give a flavour of the music included without relying on the music to act as a ‘filler’.
The timings for audio-visual tasks should be seen as a guide which will help to ensure that productions are concise and that candidates adhere to the relevant codes and convention.
Guidance notes
Planning and research
Candidates should plan and research their production thoroughly. Evidence of research into existing products of a similar nature and into their potential audience should be submitted, perhaps in the form of annotated analyses of existing texts, charts, surveys or questionnaires. Candidates will need to submit evidence of planning, perhaps in the form of briefs, sketches, scripts, storyboards, mock-ups, drafts, contact sheets, flat plans etc.
No more than 12 pages of material should be submitted for moderation as evidence of research and planning.
Practical Production
Promotion of MuFor music video, confidence in handling technology can be demonstrated by
Careful framing of shots editing appropriate to the nature of the production and audience evidence of consideration being given to lighting, mise-en-scene and sound.For print and web-based promotion, confidence in handling technology can be demonstrated by:appropriate integration of text and illustration (whether original or found material)language, register and content appropriate to the nature of the production and audienceevidence of consideration being given to use of fonts, type size and colour.Music video conventions could include performance, narrative, interpretation, direct address, animation, symmetrical framing or cross-cutting.Print and web-based promotion conventions could include slogans, imperatives, direct address, copy, interactivity and logos.
Each candidate must produce a 700–800 word evaluation which should reflect upon:
how the aims of the production have been met
how the product applies appropriate codes and conventions and uses appropriate media language
how the product represents people, places or events where and when the product would be exhibited what regulations and controls might be applied to
the product and how these have been taken into consideration
the strengths and weaknesses of the product in terms of meeting the needs of its audience.